Thursday, August 23, 2012

SLOW INTERNET SPEED!!!!!!! ******************

Again... that's one long bad word....

Reading this post it may means that you've experienced this thing...
This ******************** condition irritates me

Again... That's one long bad word...

Slow internet speed is caused by something you don't care
something small
like router, modem, or whatever thing you use to connect to the Internet

If you experiencing this problem..., try to do these things

1. Restart your things you use to connect to the internet

If not, try the following

- Dispose the things you use to connect to the Internet.
- Dispose your PC, Laptop, Netbook, or Phone.

You can't experience slow internet speed
if you don't have the devices to connect to it.

(take this as a joke)
(if you still love your computer do not do these things)

Addiction... Obsession... (or maybe just a crappy post)

Talking about the title (no... not the last one) I certainly think that everybody have an obsession or something like that. In fact... I have my own obsession...

If you've read my older posts, you can find out my own obsession.

Haven't found out yet?
(Damn it... now I have to tell it)

Okay I'll tell you
Especially [PROTOTYPE] series and Assassin's Creed series

Addiction and Obsession are different...

Addiction is addicted to something...
Obsession is Obsessed in something

(not very helpful isn't it)

If you found out that this post is giving you an Irritation...
leave a comment
or like

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Finally... After some days of playing games... I finally completed the game [PROTOTYPE2]!!! Yeahhhhhh. The ending is so EPIC!!!

The next game I wanna buy and Play is Assassin's Creed III
But, that's still in October


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sorry 4 misspelling

I've just realized that my old post (leap of faith [blah blah blah]) got a misspell. I Wrote "Leap sof faith" The right one is "Leap of faith"

sorry for this incovenience (wrong spelling... AGAIN)


Finally!!!! After 6 freakin' months of waiting... I finally get PROTOTYPE 2 !!!! YESSSSS (Describing a uncountable amount of happyness [oops])

Why did I say 6 months??? Because I thought 24 April is for XBox360, PS3, And PC. Turns out that PC release date is 27 JUNE!!!!!

So I Wait until Yesterday........

Friday, August 3, 2012


Last Saturday, I downloaded a cool alienware theme 4 windows 7. It's called BREED theme. There are more themes to downloaded in this website and I forget the website... Sorry.

Anyway, I wrote this post also to say sorry that I didn't post any post this weeks. or months.
because of schoolwork, etc... blah... blah... blah...

so, I will post again tomorrow or if I'm not busy. Whichever come first.