Wednesday, February 27, 2013

some things about bullying

so, I was surfing the internet (YouTube, specifically) and I saw an post about... Wait, do you know TheFineBros's video of Teens React? Or if you don't, then you probably know Amanda Todd, or her suicide...

you may have guessed what I'm talking about. Yes BULLYING.

This problem has occurred worldwide lately. Especially, in developed countries (like the USA or UK) and some developing countries. But actually, bullying may happen all over the world.

Usually, bullying is divided into 3 based on how did the bully do.

  1. Physical bully             (you all may know the examples)
  2. Verbal bully                 (Example, Making fun of somebody, mocking somebody, etc)
  3. Psychological bully    (Search the internet for this one)

But these days, experts have added one more category
  1. Electronic bully           (bullying from any types of electronic devices.)

Personally, I believe the least devastating one physical bully. Because, people only got hurt by the outside. But, still there is no reason to physically bully someone because it's the least devastating way to bully someone. And, THERE IS NO REASON TO BULLY SOMEONE!!!

Troubles (not Haven's Troubles) is mainly the cause of bullying. People who has a lot of trouble is most likely to become a bully itself. The troubles include the trouble of being bullied.

Stress can also be a cause of bullying. People who always stressed out might bully some people to feel better, but leaves a horrible results.

effects of bullying mainly affecting the victim, not the bully.
for this one, I personally divide this result by two.

  1. Self effect = Affecting the victim's self, whether it's for a long or short period
    1. 1. Physical effect (affected the body, health, or even life.)
      Example: Committing suicide, self-harm, etc
    2. 2. Non-physical effect (affected mental state, feeling, etc)
      Example: Crying for no reason, Feel unsafe, etc.

  1. Future Result = Affecting the victim's future.

    1. Positive effect

    Occur when the victim think that bullying is just something to improve themselves.
    This may happen to if victim completely ignore the bullying.
    This occur when victim is tough from the inside.
    So, this effect is least likely to happen.
    But, if happen, the victim will be a successful people, even more than the bully.

    2. Negative effect

    This one is mainly occur
    Occur when the victim think that bullying is someone's opinion that victim is weak, etc.
    Usually want to commit suicide or want some revenge to the bully.
    This kind of victim usually will become a murderer, terrorist, etc.

So, how do we prevent bullying?

First thing first. Get some education about bullying. Like sex education, or peer education, this is the most effective way to prevent bullying.

second, if you're the bully, please, just... stop... if you're picking on somebody, that mean that you're weaker that the people you're picking. I've already seen that people, especially nerds, geeks, etc are very miserable of these things.

There are a lot of alternatives than to bully your friends.
If you have a trouble, don't be afraid to speak up to your parents, teacher, friend, or even to some homeless you you don't know.

and, if you're the victim, I just have two things to say
first, please be strong, don't giving up on your life, or plan a revenge.
and second, pray your bully. by praying, God will help you.

That's all. and, I hope that bullying will be erased from our history.

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