Thursday, July 24, 2014

Back From Power Study

As all my friends (who read this stuff) know, on the start of 2014 I was still in middle school, 9th grade. Early May 2014, I faced my final test

The result... satisfying enough...

Anyway, because February - April was filled with practical tests, and written test, I don't have enough time to write. (see, it's not always because of video game...)

My last post was on February 22nd, and in fact, I don't know why I could write a post here...
Memories gone....

Anyway, May 9th until July 10th I got a holiday...

and again because I played so many video games, I couldn't post here often...

The latest one is Deus Ex : Human Revolution and Spec Ops : The Line...

Spec Ops : The Line (I'm referring as The Line for the rest of the post) is one sick game...

I mean seriously. The Line was one of few games (perhaps the only one game) designed to make you regret your decision you (and I) make in the game.

For some people think that The Line was another mindless shooter, then you probably never played that game before. I mean yeah, if you look at the wikipedia site of the game (Click Here), the genre stated there is clearly "Third-person shooter", and the gameplay matched the genre.

But I tell you. The Line is more than a shooter.

Because I'm a nice guy (-ish) and I don't want to spoil anything to any of you who haven't played the game yet, I don't include explanation why it's more than a shooter (well, if you think again, it's a small spoiler, doesn't it?)

I'm not sponsored by whoever made this video game, but I strongly suggest all of you who usually play generic shooters like Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, of Battlefield, to play the game, and rethink about your action in such games...

Speaking of rethink action, I finished The Line before I played Human Revolution. and the way I played in Human Revolution is different from playing similar games before I played The Line

Yep, The Line has, quite literally, changed the way I behave in playing video games.

The similar game to Human Revolution that I've played is Dishonored...
Not because the story, the gameplay (well, their gameplay is quite similar in my opinion),
But they're the same because the game gave us choice to kill or not to kill a target.

The first time I played Dishonored, I killed all the guards, and few of the targets.
But then, I looked at the Internet there was an alternate ending (dammit, I've given a spoiler) to those who play with low chaos (few kills).

So, I retry Dishonored without killing guards, but simply knocking them unconscious.

Back to Human Revolution, I played from the start without trying to kill them, simply knocking them unconscious. 

No, it's not because of the bonus EXP for knocking enemies unconscious, and not because I want to try the "Pacifist" achievement

As a matter of fact, I didn't know there was a bonus EXP for knocking enemies unconscious until the 2nd to final boss. 

Speaking of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I love the story of Human Revolution. The Cybernetic Augmentations given as an upgrade points in the game are awesome, and perhaps, I might want to have one installed in my body sometime in the future, especially the CASIE augmentation. 

Anyway, The Line has rewritten my thoughts of every shooter there is...

Oh and one more thing.
I currently working on a story which is inspired from The Line, the key plots of the story, and the condition of Cpt. Martin Walker himself, so next month, Perhaps around August 17th, okay?

Do you feel like a hero yet?