Sunday, July 8, 2012

Leap sof Faith is 4 JACKASSES (and stuntmen(or stuntwoman) and traceur)

Why? Because you WILL die (or at least hurt yourself)
(unless you are a trained or skilled stuntmen (stuntwoman) traceur etc)

Even if you land on water you will hurt yourself

Leap of Faith in Assassin's Creed series is even more unrealistic
in the series, you land on haystacks
or in bushes.

Haystack is not endless.
You will hit the bottom if the haystack or whatsoever

Bushes, same story as Haystack
But added with pain of the plantation

4 all of idiota that don't understand Leap of Faith
I'll explain it first

leap of faith is  an acrobatic move in which the person performing it dived from atop a high structure to land, unharmed, in a conveniently placed pile of hay or other soft landing material.
                       (yes, i copied that from assassin's creed wikia)

(by the way, this is the longest post title)

so, Don't Try Leap of Faith Unless you are a skilled Stuntmen (Or women) or something like that

if you want to Perform leap of faith, do that at your own risk

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Redirect Bad Word

This time, I'm gonna tell y'all how to say the F-Word and S-Word

(You know what i'm about to say!!!!!)

To say the F-Word, you can say Firetruck!!!

Click this link to see how

for the S-Word, you can say Soot

If you say these things, The F-Word and the S-Word will change to these words

Friday, July 6, 2012

Comedy Script

The last assignment for my English Subject is to make a play about crimes
The type of the play is free
so I choose Comedy

This is the script

N  : On 21st December 2012 it’s going to be Dave Bieber’s Birthday. He has a wish of having a party with his friends in his house.
D  : Hmm, I think I’m going to have a party on my 13th birthday next week. May I do it dad?
A  : Okay son. But be careful with stranger that might join in your party, kay?
D  : Okay dad.
N  : On the 21st December……..
While having his party and his parents were away, someone hold Dave’s hand
J    : Hey, come here for a sec, I wanna talk to you.
D  : Hey, man. Screw that! I’m not gonna talk to you.
J    : Why, man?
D  : Because, one, I don’t know who you are. Two, you are look mysteriously ugly. And three, look at you, so skinny! You should eat something, dude!
J    : Just come with me.
By the way, Thanks for your advice.
D  : Hey just stop for one damn second.
(Wait one second)
D  : Okay, I’m good.
J    : (Punch Dave very-very-very hard.)
D  : Whoa, chill out.
J    : (Punch Dave until he’s unconscious)
OK, he’s good to take.
N  : Max, Dave’s stepdad is worried. Dave hasn’t return for 2 days since the party.
Then he got an intel that Dave has been taken away by Makarov, a worldwide criminal least wanted.
A  : Ok, hmm, hmm, Damn! So you mean Dave’s has been taken away by Makarov, why don’t you speak English clearly like 50 second ago?!
N  : OK, now that Max has Confirm Dave has been taken away by Makarov, He has to move fast.
A  : (sleeping and snoring)
A : (Suddenly awake) Oh fast-fast. Yeah.
And that’s how you deal with such Idiotic.
A  : I need Makarov Database quickly. Fine I search on the computer.
Downloading now.
N  : Later
A  : (still waiting ; 10 % Download)
N  : Much Later
A  : (Still waiting ; 30 % Download)
N  : Much Much Later
A  : (Still Waiting ; 60 % Download)
N  : The next day
A  : (Sleeping) zzzzzzz (99 % Download)
(suddenly awake) Oh, 99% good for this slow internet speed.
N  : don’t be so happy, 1 minutes later
A  : What kind of Internet speed is this 99.99999999999999% Idiot!
N  : Because of slow Internet speed, Max decided to get more intel
So, next time, use Speedy, up to 144 MBPS (Mega bytes per second)
A  : OK, I got it.
N  : What did you got? Speedy or the Intel?
A  : Both.
N  : He got an Intel that Makarov is now at the old abandoned Warehouse in South Dakota
What is This, Some kind of Warehouse 13, Who wrote the script Anyway?!
Next time, let me choose the place!
A  : Come out Makarov, I’ve got 10 Men surround this place
N  : Before we continue the story, let’s see what happened with Makarov and Dave the party.
J    : Whoa! This dude is so Heavy!
D  : Maybe you are so Light!
J    : Hey, I thought you were unconscious.
D  : I was!
I’m hungry. Let’s go to McD and buy some Bigmac.
J    : Well that’s sounds like a Plan!
N  : Hey! What are you two doing. You(pointing at Makarov) You Should torturing him (Pointing at Dave)! Not treat him Nicely!
J    : Fine!
Come here you!
N  : At the old abandoned Warehouse...
D  : Where am I???
Who am I???
Whose Clothes is this???
Okay, maybe I Should shut up.
J    : Here, let me explain the situation here. If you are Screaming for help, I will Punch you in the Knee. If you trying for searching freedom, I will punch you on your face. If you nod, I will slap you. Do you understand?!
D  : (nodding)
J    : (Slapping) Again, Do you Understand?!
D  : (Nodding again)
J    : (Slapping Again) Do you really understand!
D  : What did I do Wrong!
J    : You nodded
D  : Just that?!
J    : Yes.
N  : For 3 days, Makarov has treated his like a gold.
He fed Him
He gave him a drink.
Just that.

So, let’s just go back to the story, shall we?
A  : Makarov, you have been Surrounded, I’ve got 10 men to surround you.
J    : ok I’ve got 100 Other criminal!
A  : Then I’ve got 1,000!
J    : I’ve got 10,000!
A  : 100,000!
J    : 1,000,000
J    : Fine.
A  : (Breaching)
D  : Dad!!!
A  : Sit back, and let me give you an action lesson!
A : (Fighting)
J    : (Fighting)
D  : Stop! Why are you fighting! Don’t you have a duty to do! Let’s start with doing something productive in our live! First, you have to untie me. And you (Pointing at Max) Must arrest Makarov. So be it
J    : I think he’s got a point!
A  : yeah!
N  : So in the end, Makarov has been arrested now.
and Makarov won’t be in this nation for eternity
Or for the next 15 years
Whichever comes first

Whaddya think

horrible isn't it

Waiting 4 Prototype 2 And AC 3

I'm waiting for these two Video Games

Prototype 2 (For Microsoft Windows format)
Assassin's Creed 3 (For Microsoft Windows Format)

As you can see in my previous post (Top 11 Reasons......... Prototype 2)
This game is Awesome...

Activision Announced that this Game will be released July 27 (Europe) or July 24 (N.A.)
for Microsoft Windows format
('cause the XBox and PS3 format has been released since April 24)

FOR AC 3, Nov 23 is the release date 4 Mic Windows Format

But Oct 30 (N.A.) And Oct 31 (PAL)

So, I don't know Prototype 2 will release in my country

because I'm bored w/ my current game

Gone Rafting

Next week, I'll go rafting

This time, I REALLY go rafting in a Real River

so, i'm not gonna Available for a week.

Y'know, the thing I want 2 spend my holiday is to go to Abu Dhabi and try the Fastest Rollercoaster in the word

Even though I'm young, doesn't mean I don't want to ride rollercoaster...
(I've got Thrill Seeking Issues)

This post is "off topic"
The topic is Rafting, but I explain Rollercoaster

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Failed @ climbing

Yesterday, I went climbing.

I fell many times.

I've tried 3-4 times.
And I've climbed 3/4 part of it 

by the way,

I didn't climb a mountain, in a Theme Park

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sad News

Approximately, at 10.00 A.M. local time, The creator of this Blog was found dead...

Dead because of boredom...

Yes, because of nothing this people can do, and very bored, he decided to sleep and do nothing

(except breathing)


(IF not then I Failed)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Call of Duty : MW3

Time for another (Fake) review (Based on my opinion)

Actually, it's a great game. But, the act , mission, or whatsoever is too little.