Friday, September 27, 2013

List of video games to get.

This is my own list for the upcoming and released video games I want that I don't have
(All Console)

and if you wishes more information, with the Wikipedia, it is.

01. The Last of Us
02. Uncharted (yes. all of them)
03. Wolfenstein : New Order
04. Wolfenstein (2009 remake)
05. Watch_Dogs
06. InFamous (again, all of them)
07. ZombiU
08. Assassin's Creed (obviously all of them that I don't have)
09. The prequel to Metro : Last Light
10. Dying Light
11. Heavy Rain
12. Star Wars 1313 (which is cancelled by ************** Disney)
13. Star Wars: Battlefront (2015 reboot) (I think I can forgive Disney by this game)
14. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (the PC version)
15. Deus Ex (all of it...)
16. Dead Space (all of it, I told you!)
17. Splinter Cell (ALL OF THEM)

I think that's all...
Of course there would be some more in the future

Working on "Escaping Earth"

I'm back with the English-language post.

Wow. I cannot imagine that I took a long time to complete-ish 1/10 of Escaping Earth. I guess writing novel is not as easy as i thought. Anyway, I'm not giving up already.

See, my novel is approaching 50+ pages, and I want it to be a 500+ pages novel. See, my novel will include a large world, with many factions, and twisting and complicated story. And with some 'unusual' ending. (in my opinion).

By the way, I'm not giving you guys anymore spoilers, because I gave you much spoilers in the last English-Language post.

Oh yeah. I need an opinion of a name (full name is very much appreciated)(can be a British name, American name, Chinese name, Russian name, and basically everywhere) of a female and a male name. Comment on this post if you've got idea.

Much Obliged

9G's zombie defense...

This time, I won't post in English. Instead, I want to post in Indonesian.

Hi. Kayaknya saya udah ketularan temen nih, ngepost cerita ngga jelas yang berhubungan dengan kelas di sekolah saya. yang nama-namanya saya bold, ya. Saya masih demen nih ama genre zombie apocalypse, jadi cerita ini ya kayak zombie apocalypse gitu lah. Tapi cerita saya belom se-absurd punya temen saya... udah ah. ini ceritanya.

Dunia yang kita kenal tidak ada lagi. Setelah perang dunia III, bumi telah dikuasai oleh manusia yang terinfeksi dari residu bom nuklir maupun biologis yang banyak dijatuhkan di kota besar untuk melumpuhkan musuh, pastinya. Zombie. Begitulah semua orang menyebutnya. hari infeksi awal, 32 orang terpaksa untuk meninggalkan kota dan mencari tempat yang lebih aman. Tetapi, satu tahun kemudian 1 orang terinfeksi oleh zombie, tetapi tidak ada yang membunuhnya. Dua tahun setelah infeksi awal. Ke-31 orang tersebut masih selamat, tetapi semuanya bisa terpengaruh. CK, mengambil alih sebagai ketua dari kelompok tersebut setelah Kristoporus lengah dan hampir terinfeksi tahun sebelumnya. Berdasarkan undian, Caca dipilih sebagai cadangan jika CK telah terinfeksi. Walaupun banyak yang menolak CK sebagai ketua, akhirnya semua bisa menerimanya dengan lapang dada. Beberapa hari setelah pemilihan itu, CK, bersama dengan Josafat, Nicholas, dan Damar mensurvei tempat untuk dijadikan base camp yang tetap. Walaupun terpaksa, akhirnya Frederick pun ikut dengan mereka berempat. CK dkk menemukan tempat yang cocok untuk dijadikan base camp kelompok mereka. Tetapi, Ayu merasakan ada yang aneh dengan tempat itu. Saat berjalan masuk, Ayu hampir digigit oleh zombie tetapi berhasil diselamatkan oleh Darryl. Ternyata di tempat itu banyak sekali zombie yang berkeliaran. Sifra, Mariella, Dian, Fiena, Madevya, dan Olive hampir menjadi santapan malam zombie-zombie itu. Untungnya, Brahmma datang dengan membawa minigun dan menembaki seluruh zombie itu. melihat hal itu, Miralda menjadi takut dan akhirnya berteriak-teriak dan memanggil lebih banyak zombie. Pada saat yang sama, Raja melihat sebuah tank jenis Leopard 2 A7+ yang menganggur. Untungnya, Raja bisa mengoperasikannya dan menembaknya ke arah zombie yang menyerang. Tetapi, karena terlalu berisik, maka lebih banyak lagi zombie yang datang. Jevon melihat hal itu dan mulai menggunakan minigun dari Tank yang lain. Di bawah, Xena dengan bodohnya memangil lebih banyak zombie dengan teriakan ketakutannya yang sangat menggelegar (kayak FUS RO DAH gitu deh...). Adrian, dengan kedewaannya (apa coba) membunuh banyak zombie hanya dengan sebuah bola basket (buset. impossibrou). Andrea lebih tahu diri, dengan bersembunyi ketika ia ketakutan, dan tidak membuat suara. Jessica bersembunyi juga, tetapi sambil menyanyikan lagu-lagu dari boyband korea. Katanya, itu membuatnya tenang, tetapi malah didekati zombie. untungnya, Marthin datang dan membunuh zombie itu sebelum mendekati Jessica. Rahel, Evelyn, Caca, dan Xena membuat persekutuan untuk mencari tempat yang aman, dan tentram. Kristoporus berusaha untuk meng-hack sistem kota dan menyalakan lampunya. Demi mendapatkan istirahat, Aurellio berusaha untuk maju ke arah zombie-zombie yang mendekati Kristoporus dengan membawa dua pedang keluarga yang herannya masih bisa memenggal kepala zombie. Kezia dan Frederick melawan zombie-zombie yang mendekati mereka dengan berhadapan belakang dan menggunakan pistolnya. Jesslyn juga bersembunyi, tetapi di atas atap rumah orang. CT bersembunyi bersama Miralda di sebuah rumah kosong. Jeremy, dengan menggunakan anti-matter sniper rifle-nya berhasil membunuh banyak zombie. Akhirnya, Kristoporus berhasil menyalakan lampu base camp dan akhirnya mengusir sisa-sisa zombie, yang ternyata takut akan sinar yang sangat terang.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Some Stupid Thing

nah... I forgot what I wanted to post here...

Practicing writing skills...


I apologize for being idle for about 6-12 month...

Anyway... the reason why I was idle is, obviously, playing video games...

There is this one particular game that I would like to play, 'tis called "The Last of Us".
Of course all of you have heard that game.

Reasons :
Many reviewers give perfect scores...
Very realistic actions, and outcomes
The story is great
Deep touching moments
PewDiePie played it...
Ellie's cute

But, unfortunately, I can't play it.

Reason :
It's only available in a ***************** PS3
I don't have a ****************** PS3

Luckily, I just got 3 other games
- Metro: Last Light
- The Sims 3
- Just Cause 2

Metro : Last Light is one awesome game. And I got both endings
But, when I play Just Cause 2, I feel bored (maybe the gameplay is very GTA-like. I don't really like GTA)

The Sims 3 is the reason why this post's title is written.

I made a female teenage sim, and I assign her to write novel. Why? because I think it would be cool if a teenager can write novels, especially best seller.

And that's why this one Idea came up.

I didn't just played video games while I was idle, I also tried to write novels.
Very ambitious, it is.

My novel is called "Escaping Earth" and I might want to publish it into 2 languages; Indonesian  (my own languages), and English.

I will give you some minor spoiler for my novels

The theme is an post-apocalyptic earth, while the surface of the completely overrun by zombies (or infected in my novel) infected with a substance known as The Virus, or Virus for short. The survivors are divided into two kinds; Immunes, those who came in contact with the virus, and somehow immune to Virus, and Escaped, those who never came in contact with Virus. While all the Escaped and Immunes has given up on finding the cure, one Immune that came from the surface told the main character (don't want to spoil detail here) that there are cure from the moon, Just as the Virus mutated, Infecting all of the Escaped airborne and bring intelligence back to the Infected. But as the Infected gain intelligence, some parts of their body vanished, or maybe consumed in cost of intelligence. In order to "fix" their body Infected began to consume all kind of life-forms, especially all Immunes. The main character have to find a way to cure this madness immediately, with low casualities, because the main character believe that "human" is still in everybody, including the Infected.

I planned this is going to be a trilogy, and added with one Prequel

My titles (chronologically timeline of the stories)

- Infecting Earth     (4th book)
- Escaping Earth     (1st book)
- Healing Earth       (2nd book)
- Destroying Earth (3rd book)

Additionally, I begining to think that my novel could be adapted to video game (like Metro: Last Light)

Like The Last of Us, I imagine it will be -very- Realistic
and like The Sims, you have to maintain the main character's energy, hunger, stamina, thirst, and bladder

I think it will divide into two mode
-Realistic mode
-Cinematic mode.

Realistic, of course it would be 1st person perspective (including all cinematics), scarce food and resources, multiples ending (depending on all of your actions), and (depending on all of your actions) different missions and outcomes in different playthrough

Cinematic, 3rd person perspective, more food and resources than the Realistic mode, and only one ending (your actions do not affect mission and outcomes, just the enemy's awareness)

Wish me luck then...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

some things about bullying

so, I was surfing the internet (YouTube, specifically) and I saw an post about... Wait, do you know TheFineBros's video of Teens React? Or if you don't, then you probably know Amanda Todd, or her suicide...

you may have guessed what I'm talking about. Yes BULLYING.

This problem has occurred worldwide lately. Especially, in developed countries (like the USA or UK) and some developing countries. But actually, bullying may happen all over the world.

Usually, bullying is divided into 3 based on how did the bully do.

  1. Physical bully             (you all may know the examples)
  2. Verbal bully                 (Example, Making fun of somebody, mocking somebody, etc)
  3. Psychological bully    (Search the internet for this one)

But these days, experts have added one more category
  1. Electronic bully           (bullying from any types of electronic devices.)

Personally, I believe the least devastating one physical bully. Because, people only got hurt by the outside. But, still there is no reason to physically bully someone because it's the least devastating way to bully someone. And, THERE IS NO REASON TO BULLY SOMEONE!!!

Troubles (not Haven's Troubles) is mainly the cause of bullying. People who has a lot of trouble is most likely to become a bully itself. The troubles include the trouble of being bullied.

Stress can also be a cause of bullying. People who always stressed out might bully some people to feel better, but leaves a horrible results.

effects of bullying mainly affecting the victim, not the bully.
for this one, I personally divide this result by two.

  1. Self effect = Affecting the victim's self, whether it's for a long or short period
    1. 1. Physical effect (affected the body, health, or even life.)
      Example: Committing suicide, self-harm, etc
    2. 2. Non-physical effect (affected mental state, feeling, etc)
      Example: Crying for no reason, Feel unsafe, etc.

  1. Future Result = Affecting the victim's future.

    1. Positive effect

    Occur when the victim think that bullying is just something to improve themselves.
    This may happen to if victim completely ignore the bullying.
    This occur when victim is tough from the inside.
    So, this effect is least likely to happen.
    But, if happen, the victim will be a successful people, even more than the bully.

    2. Negative effect

    This one is mainly occur
    Occur when the victim think that bullying is someone's opinion that victim is weak, etc.
    Usually want to commit suicide or want some revenge to the bully.
    This kind of victim usually will become a murderer, terrorist, etc.

So, how do we prevent bullying?

First thing first. Get some education about bullying. Like sex education, or peer education, this is the most effective way to prevent bullying.

second, if you're the bully, please, just... stop... if you're picking on somebody, that mean that you're weaker that the people you're picking. I've already seen that people, especially nerds, geeks, etc are very miserable of these things.

There are a lot of alternatives than to bully your friends.
If you have a trouble, don't be afraid to speak up to your parents, teacher, friend, or even to some homeless you you don't know.

and, if you're the victim, I just have two things to say
first, please be strong, don't giving up on your life, or plan a revenge.
and second, pray your bully. by praying, God will help you.

That's all. and, I hope that bullying will be erased from our history.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Harlem Shake... Gangnam Style replacement

first of all... I'm really really really sorry because I didn't post any new posts lately...

okay, that's all for the apologize.

Earlier this month, YouTube is filled with videos of Harlem Shake (HS)... and around last year, Gangnam Style (GS) was a popular song (and dance, apparently). In mid 2013 (or maybe, this April) Harlem Shake might be as popular as Gangnam Style last year, or maybe even more popular...

Factor that I think Harlem Shake will be more popular than Gangnam Style...
1. For some people, it's funnier than Gangnam Style (the music video)
2. It's easier to recreate (you just idiotically move your body according to the music)
3. You can make your own interpretation.

that's all...
For those all people who still like GS more than HS, it's okay. These are just my own opinion, it's not for offense people...

I'm sorry if I offense anyone